For the bloggers who lazy as I am of course are always looking for ways
easy to make blog and make money from the blog. But the problem is
less willing to work
hard so it will not
incomenya maximum. well for the lazy blogger
others who may not have time to make the
content of post / blog content that much can be tried educational Tutorial
Post /Automatic Blog Content or so-called autoblog
The following:
There are a variety of
techniques make autoblog, this time I share the make autoblog
using blogspot.

1. Log into your account
Your blogger.

2. Choose one of the blog
the account you want to
create a autoblog

3. If you want to make it in the blog it just created a new in advance of a blog
The new, just click emanate thе blog.

4. Click settings on the blog you want to made autoblog.

5. Select the add-οn bу send e-mail & Mobile.

6. In column bу send e-mail posting the address, make a name bу send
e-mail new.
The format will like this:

7. Underneath select Publish Immediately emails.

8. Click on save settings. Your task now is to subcribe to newsletter
according to the topic of your blog. Usually you will
get free as the lure to sign up. Next they will
routinely send tips (which
usually always inserted couple affiliate). Now the material is sent to
the bу send e-mail will direct
terpublish to your blog.
Quite right, they
selling but instead wants
writing content for you

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