The Simple Tips Number 1 In The Google Search Engine

This tips are what you
should do in order to become No. 1 in Google. These steps are the
results of testing of 2000s in search engine optimization website
Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista, and the world's major search engines
other, Such way of

1. Write and create content unique, unique content is very important.
need makers and owners
website to have a content that has information is different from Other
websites on the internet. If difficult, try translate the contents of
the blog
language to the language of the United Kingdom
Indonesia, edit a bit and

2. Always make update
content, a website that has content that is always
on a regular basis will
become more alive than the website that is rarely an update. it is
also help to improve the relevance of content on the website, and
greatly affect the

3. Use the Keyword phrase
right, the first thing to do
when SEO is working with
find a keyword phrase
right. Do not try to perform optimization
the whole site with just one keyword phrase,
but focus efforts on
writing for page content
keywords and phrases specifics.

4. Choose a popular phrase, but not too
popular, when deciding on a keyword phrase, we
want to get keywords
popular but not extremely or very popular.
In terms of selection
popular keywords that are
not too popular seems to contradict with intuition, but the reality is
a keyword that is popular it is generally too broad and general as
well as highly desirable by all players
online so that the level
competition is high. Instead, make the optimization on the right
keywords and can be well optimized, so that the position could be
high. with using the keywords
not very popular so
likely we to get high page view even though we are on page two though,
rather than compete
dikeyword popular however, only be on page 50.

5. Make a website accessible, accessible HTML is accessible either by
search engine spiders
and can be read by.
visitors or visitors.
The more easily accessible
page that we make, the easier the search engines to read and rank pages.

6. Use the keyword phrase
in the title tag, title tag is one of the tag important in a webpage. by writing
keyword phrase in the title tag, should be at the top or earlier, is
very important to make the phrase goes to search
engine. Moreover, this make keyword phrase
will be in place as link on the search engine index.

7. Use a domain with
keyword phrase, use the
keyword phrase as a domain name
is one of the best ways
to further optimize the phrase was.

8. Use the keyword phrase
the URL, if you can not use keyword in the domain name, keyword can be
used in URLs. Search engines read URL and provide value the text is in

9. Use lots of keywords
phrase, but do not
excessive, the ratio between keyword to the text the page is called
keyworddensity. It is important to repeat the keyword in the document,
but do not overdo it. percentage keyword density should be
between 3% - 7% for
The main keyword phrase and 1% -2% for secondary
keyword or keyword phrase.

10. Use the keyword phrase as a headline, headline tags
(h1, h2, h3, etc.) is place to
put the keyword phrase
and secondary keyword.
Search engines realized if
headline is more important than the text- other text around it,
should put the keyword
there to get more value.

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