Srategi Jitu Agar Website Berada Dalam Urutan/Posisi No. 1 Di GOOGLE

Apakah Anda ingin tahu
bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan lebih
banyak visitor yang ditujukan untuk situs web Anda?
Jika Anda ingin maka Anda harus tetap
membaca artikel ini yang memberikan beberapa strategi sangat cocok dan
mudah dilakukan.
Srategi sempurna
cara agar situs Anda berada di posisi nomor 1 pada halaman pertama
google, tapi bagaimana
Anda melakukan ini?
Kita semua menggunakan Google dan mengetahui bagaimana cara
memanfaatkan kebanyakan dari itu adalah penting bila membuat internet
rencana pemasaran.
Pendapatan Driven kata kunci sangat penting karena Anda ingin memastikan orang-
orang yang menghabiskan uang on-line menggunakan
kata-kata yang Anda

Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan lalu lintas
lebih banyak...
Penting Anda harus tahu srategy Mendapatkan lalu lintas yang sangat
banyak untuk website Anda dengan melalui mesin pencari seperti google
adalah semua tentang backlink, H1 tag, Seo
dan sedikit dari LSI
menambahkan juga untuk pendapatan yang
Jika Anda berpikir bahwa ini adalah ketika mencari tahu bagaimana untuk
mendapatkan lebih banyak lalu lintas untuk
situs web Anda menjadi teknis jangan bersangkutan.
Teruslah membaca untuk
beberapa tips sederhana
dan menemukan bagaimana orang lain menggunakan untuk benar-benar
membuat ribuan jika tidak jutaan. Backlinks-drive lalu lintas dan
meningkatkan posisi Anda di Google listing. Mereka pada dasarnya
menghubungkan ke internet
Situs anda dari internet belum lain situs dan relevansi lebih yang
memiliki situs ke situs Anda
lebih baik meningkatkan situs Anda dalam listing.

Seo yang berarti Search
Engine Pengoptimalan dan ini adalah
tentang memastikan cara Anda membuat website Anda menyediakan
Anda dengan yang terbaik
Kemungkinan mendapatkan setinggi sampai mereka daftar sebagai Anda mungkin.

Cara Menambahkan Auto Ping ke Blog

Hai Sobat Netter, gimana kabar anda saat ini???
Mudah-mudahan dalam keadaan sehat selalu ya,,,
Pada kali ini saya akan
mempostingkan mengenai Cara menambahkan auto ping ke blog anda

Cara menambahkan auto ping ke blog anda sangatlah mudah
tinggal copy script auto ping berikut ke blog anda

<!-- auto ping by http:// -->
<a href="" target="_
blank"><img src="http:// iping.php?

anda juga dapat menambahkan widget sendiri dari webnya di ,sebenarnya sama saja tapi ya terserah anda lah,,,

Berikut Tutorial Cara menambahkan auto ping ke blog anda

1. log in ke account blogger anda
2. pilih tata letak/layout
3. klik tambahkan gadget/add a gadget
4. pilih html/java script
5. masukkan kode diatas yang tadi
6. klik simpan
7. Tata letak widget dapat anda pindahkan sesuai keinginan anda

Sekian artikel tentang "Cara menambahkan auto ping ke blog anda" N
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi anda dan apabila ada keluh kesan
anda mengenai artikel ini silakan tinggalkan komentar melalui form
yang da di bawah ini !

Tools Check Price Blog or Website

It must have been many who know about the price checker sites, many of
the bloggers who had posted an article like this, well after wandering
I finally managed to get a price checker link blog/website
that pretty much ......
okay to the point ...

The following price checker link blog that I have collected:


Calculating the value of
Web sites to evaluate and
estimate the annual potential of web sites based on many factors such
as number of pages indexed in search engines: No. sites link to the
website, the popularity of
Web Site Quality, Web sites, and more. (providing for attachment to a
blog widget website)


service free web-based
assessment that provides
information site, visitor
statistics and the estimated value of a site. Only by entering the URL
into the box, it will show the full report. ,
But not always a guarantee. It takes research and further
(providing for attachment Badge blog / wedsite)

Please Your Comment This About Article

How To Get Traffic Visitors Blog

Getting the traffic is nature of the search engines like google needs
patience and perseverance
because we need that extra build all needed by the web site to get
traffic. Here are some things that
should be made to
get traffic:

1. Content
The content that we make must attractive and easy on the understood by
the visitor, the content
may contain any appropriate your liking and your own work rather than
copy and paste.

2. Keyword Use keywords
most in looking at our posts, you can use of a web site available
keyword search or by using google adwords.

3. Backlinks to get backlinks in need of extra patience high because
we need building and look for it.

We can get backlinks with blogwalking, subscribe
to web directories, list the
social bookmarking.

4. Frequent updates do update your post to google can index your web
site / your blog, do not be lazy to update
if you can every day.

5. Register Submit a web site /blog
into the search engine in order to in indeks. Thus some of the tips that
you can use to get traffic to the web site / blog.

If you can not wait for
build your traffic because the web site / blog selling, looking for referrals
and cpm ads may contain using the web site traffic
exchange available.



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Blogwalking really needs to be done by a new blogger to introduce a
new blog them.
Blogwalking often performed by the senior bloggers to do SEO
optimization for their
entry in the SERPs article 3
position of the search engines.
Want to know how?

Blogwalking has the effect
which is great for streamline alexa, increase visitors and even
increase the pageview blog. If you do blogwalking blog manually to
hundreds or even thousands of blogs, then you will take a very long
time, not to mention a possible internet connection is slow.
How long can you do
blogwalking to all these blogs?

In this article, Om Onny will share with you who want to streamline
the value of using the software auto alexa
blogwalking. This software is appropriate for the new site, online
shop or your site used for activities that require PTR alexa
slenderness value.

Please download the software auto free
click .

blogwalking you feel this article or this software useful, please share
this on your networking site account.
May be useful.


For the bloggers who lazy as I am of course are always looking for ways
easy to make blog and make money from the blog. But the problem is
less willing to work
hard so it will not
incomenya maximum. well for the lazy blogger
others who may not have time to make the
content of post / blog content that much can be tried educational Tutorial
Post /Automatic Blog Content or so-called autoblog
The following:
There are a variety of
techniques make autoblog, this time I share the make autoblog
using blogspot.

1. Log into your account
Your blogger.

2. Choose one of the blog
the account you want to
create a autoblog

3. If you want to make it in the blog it just created a new in advance of a blog
The new, just click emanate thе blog.

4. Click settings on the blog you want to made autoblog.

5. Select the add-οn bу send e-mail & Mobile.

6. In column bу send e-mail posting the address, make a name bу send
e-mail new.
The format will like this:

7. Underneath select Publish Immediately emails.

8. Click on save settings. Your task now is to subcribe to newsletter
according to the topic of your blog. Usually you will
get free as the lure to sign up. Next they will
routinely send tips (which
usually always inserted couple affiliate). Now the material is sent to
the bу send e-mail will direct
terpublish to your blog.
Quite right, they
selling but instead wants
writing content for you

Backlinks Is Money

Netter colleagues,

Surely you have create a blog as introduction to Business Online. If
you have not created, then
it is better to make it really easy now, create a blog only takes less
than 10 minutes
After that make a lot of
external LINK to your blog, it will be a door go to your blog make it.
The more This entry (called backlinks),
the more crowded your blog and if so then of course it will be even
greater potential people who might buy, both you and your product or
business opportunity Online also you have to offer.


Backlink is MONEY DOOR
for you. You can make
way backlink promote your blog or for example by being contributors on
the blog friends. Contributed articles to
Your friend is the way
mutual benefit, he
obtaining content useful and you can backlink.

Of course you need trying to make the article good and not just ADS
contains ONLY. make articles that have side education, useful tips and
so on, then add LINK you one or two in it.

Thankyou For Reading This Article

Online article is Asset You On The Internet

Online article that you
created, can help you generate good sales
directly or indirectly.
Moreover, if the article is very interesting, read the repetitive,
familiar in the
Search Engine, it will work
with the faithful
connect your tongue to communicate Global products and opportunity
with no limits of space and time. The result can be form of increased
credibility,personal satisfaction,money,intimacy,charity and

For example if your article oriented to sell powerful
drugs FOREDI
for example, then your article will definitely help you sell the product.

If you often write articles about MLM business, Then it will help You raise MLM

Obviously not?
Online article that is
Your assets on the Internet.
From now make many articles in your blog to sell products
You on the internet, because artkel
You will work very

Thankyou, For Reading This Article By...By...

5 Signs Your Pregnant Fetus Male

1. Nausea and Morning Sickness
Many people say if You are pregnant baby girl, then taste nausea is rarely felt.
However, if you're containing a baby boy, then you can throw to buckets.
Morning sickness is more often felt in the trimester
The first and most pregnant women is more
indifferent to their appearance.

2. Forms of skew to the stomach Under the direction of your
baby bulge
began to appear when you are pregnant
baby boy. This form of stomach looks different in women containing infant
women, which is rounded
belly. few also said that a pregnant woman baby boy men, when seen
from behind not even look like
are pregnant.

3. Weight does not
increase weight gain
is common when pregnant. When you got pregnant the fetus is a baby
boy, then Your weight will not be has increased too much.
Proportion of this increase derived from the fetus.

4. Even if you feel sad face can easily be reshape the form the body
after birth,
but during the
Your pregnancy will not look 'wow'. it was
different from the appearance pregnant women baby girl always seem to
look pretty
and bright, pregnant women baby boy more likely to appear pale and
are always well completely ignorant and lazy grooming.

5. Cravings food acids Wanted something is normal during the
pregnancy. It is a way
natural for the body to 'charge' intake of certain
nutrients that the body feels requires the input
them. The fetus is a baby boy more in need of nutritional of food-acid acid.

5 Things to Ruin Your Diet

5 Things to Ruin Your Diet

1. Dinner at a restaurant. This is the most difficult to avoid,
especially if you do it with your friends and usually in order to
celebrate something. Not to mention if you're a culinary adventurer,
this diet can be a destructive program that you have compiled. Try to
restraint by not ordering too much food.

2.Food sweet and junk food. Ice cream and
sugary snacks that are very hard to avoid, stay focused with your diet program.
Besides sweets, junk food or fast food can also be
damaging your diet program.
The current trend of fast food has become a lifestyle for some

3. Too busy. In addition to a healthy diet, exercise is also key to
your success in running a healthy diet program. Take the time
to exercise.

4. Bored and tired. If the third point is advisable to take the time
to exercise,
then the fourth point is
feeling bored and tired that can ruin your diet program. Be patient
and do not lose hope and believe that the diet
program you will come to

5. Finding the motivation and maintain your diet program. The fourth
point will be run well if you always feel motivated to become better
start with a healthy diet. Try to make the target in a healthy diet
you run the program. You've been
successful at the gate, then keep that motivation.
Hopefully these tips can be
useful and you can execute the program with a good diet.

Free Backlink Amazing

It is a tool or to get
backlinks for free. The
number of backlinks that you will be able not only dozens. Even the
backlink that you will be able to reach the hundreds. In contrast to
the backlinks of socialmonkee. If backlinks are available
socialmonkee number 25
backlinks per day, but if this is in the hundreds. His name is Free
Backlink Tool. You can open the web address here
When viewed from the way it works is better
socialmonkee as backlinks with anchor text according to keyword
we are targeting. If free
backlink tool I see a lot more leads to submit automated by replacing
the address of the web / blog that will be made
Socialmonkee provide
backlink 25 per day for free members and 100 backlinks for upgrade
member. If free backlink backlink tool to give
500. To me you should not
worry about it later submit a daily basis is considered spamming by
google search engine. Although better SocialMonkee no harm in trying
to improve the page rank of your web
How to Register free backlink tool is very easy. Like a sign that we
will make a wordpress blog. Please access the web and enter the username and
email address. If successful then there will be incoming email from
Please check your password to login to the member area. Well this is
the area of the member you will start making backlinks to your web
How to get backlinks from freebacklinktool

1. Login with the username and your password via the link
The following http:/ login.php?
See the following figure
2. After logging into
the member area click Create Backlinks. Will open new window.
3. In the new window under the heading
Enter Details Below (ie enter your blog address in detail below) enter
your blog address without the http:// in the first column. example: Not, this one .
In the second column (Keyword) enter keywords related to your blog as
Blogging Tips.
4. Check the Ping Result then click the Start
button Backlinking.
5. Please wait for the backlink. Not for long. completed at least 10
minutes. Depending on the speed of your internet access.

Happy Blogging....

How To Build Backlinks the Right and the Exact.

survivors met again in this Blog, before I want to emphasize here that the
backlink is very important,
both to increase page rank google or alexa page now, how to get
backlinks is right and proper, following his review.
How do I make or
how to get backlinks
backlink? In addition to the unique and interesting content, backlinks are the
main reason for the search engines put your website in the first
Google and other search engines. The more and more quality backlinks
you have, the greater your
website ranks no. 1 in Google.
Anyway have a lot of
backlinks to your website let me quickly get a lot of
visitors. Please attention! This article is updated continuously so
that the more backlinks effective planting techniques.
So it often been, who knows no revision. You should emphasize the
quality rather than quantity of backlinks backlink. There are websites
that have
hundreds of thousands of
backlinks but pagerank
only one. This is because there is in the websitebacklink is a
backlink from a PR 0. Quality backlink is a backlink from a website
with PR 5-9. PR 10 backlink from a website such
as Google and Yahoo will be impossible you get.
Get a quality backlink is not easy I've tried to register my website
to various directories
and rss directories, the result is zero. Similarly, using an automatic
backlink, also the
result of zero. Backlink is
good and right are from
reputable forum and blog
famous. Before you create a backlink, you must know how to make a
quality backlink. Placement quality backlinks on high PR websites will
quickly make your website ranks no. 1 in the Google search engine. One
technique is to backlink to comment on the comments in various blogs
of others. This method is very good, can be permanent and long term as
long as it is done properly. So the key is doing it right and relevant
backlinks and in large numbers.
Comments may give effect to requests for months or evenmany years
later. Comment is the way to target the keywords you want the column
name. Remember to use keywords, because it
would be a backlink to your website. Then write down your website URL
on the website column.
With much to comment
consistently, then you've
spread your website link
anchor in many places. And your comment that has been approved by the
blog owner will not be deleted, which means you have a continuous

Write finishing article
on How to Build Backlinks the Right and the Exact

How Making Automatic Backlink For PR10 Free

whether Getting probably
10 high PR backlinks can be free and fast?
Yes, just maybe, this website gives us a very high quality backlinks
instantly free no cost /according to my survey is from google.

Maybe you have a don't know and want to try,
just Here's a way /
simple steps and very easy to get backlinks from google PR 10:

1. Sign in to
2. Create an account with
3. Log in to your google
4. Click the View settings / account settings.
5. Go to edit profile.
6. You can see the Links page
7. Add your link with anchor text
8. Then Save your profile.

That's it, easy is not enough ..
well now we've got a PR 10 backlink from For the master SEO
and I'm sorry when there
mistakes and shortcomings.

Happy Blogging For all Netter

The Simple Tips Number 1 In The Google Search Engine

This tips are what you
should do in order to become No. 1 in Google. These steps are the
results of testing of 2000s in search engine optimization website
Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista, and the world's major search engines
other, Such way of

1. Write and create content unique, unique content is very important.
need makers and owners
website to have a content that has information is different from Other
websites on the internet. If difficult, try translate the contents of
the blog
language to the language of the United Kingdom
Indonesia, edit a bit and

2. Always make update
content, a website that has content that is always
on a regular basis will
become more alive than the website that is rarely an update. it is
also help to improve the relevance of content on the website, and
greatly affect the

3. Use the Keyword phrase
right, the first thing to do
when SEO is working with
find a keyword phrase
right. Do not try to perform optimization
the whole site with just one keyword phrase,
but focus efforts on
writing for page content
keywords and phrases specifics.

4. Choose a popular phrase, but not too
popular, when deciding on a keyword phrase, we
want to get keywords
popular but not extremely or very popular.
In terms of selection
popular keywords that are
not too popular seems to contradict with intuition, but the reality is
a keyword that is popular it is generally too broad and general as
well as highly desirable by all players
online so that the level
competition is high. Instead, make the optimization on the right
keywords and can be well optimized, so that the position could be
high. with using the keywords
not very popular so
likely we to get high page view even though we are on page two though,
rather than compete
dikeyword popular however, only be on page 50.

5. Make a website accessible, accessible HTML is accessible either by
search engine spiders
and can be read by.
visitors or visitors.
The more easily accessible
page that we make, the easier the search engines to read and rank pages.

6. Use the keyword phrase
in the title tag, title tag is one of the tag important in a webpage. by writing
keyword phrase in the title tag, should be at the top or earlier, is
very important to make the phrase goes to search
engine. Moreover, this make keyword phrase
will be in place as link on the search engine index.

7. Use a domain with
keyword phrase, use the
keyword phrase as a domain name
is one of the best ways
to further optimize the phrase was.

8. Use the keyword phrase
the URL, if you can not use keyword in the domain name, keyword can be
used in URLs. Search engines read URL and provide value the text is in

9. Use lots of keywords
phrase, but do not
excessive, the ratio between keyword to the text the page is called
keyworddensity. It is important to repeat the keyword in the document,
but do not overdo it. percentage keyword density should be
between 3% - 7% for
The main keyword phrase and 1% -2% for secondary
keyword or keyword phrase.

10. Use the keyword phrase as a headline, headline tags
(h1, h2, h3, etc.) is place to
put the keyword phrase
and secondary keyword.
Search engines realized if
headline is more important than the text- other text around it,
should put the keyword
there to get more value.

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